Saturday, December 26, 2015

i wish i knew

in the last two weeks i wish i many hours i have spent on my feet, how many steps i have taken, how many miles i have walked, how many cases of beer i have stocked, how many hours i have worked. right now i hurt from my shoulders to my toes. it's been a long haul but worth it. i think and hope everyone had a merry christmas.
jimbo and i spent ours under the majic oak tree about 5 o'clock this morning. he was djing with his new speaker.
i hope i didn't run anyone off or discourage anyone last night after kim and holly's party. apparently one of the day girls likes to make up stories. this is the second time in a week i have heard one she told other people about me.  yeah. i don't like that. and the other day girl likes to think she is number 2. we have a number 1 and it ain't me
normally i don't voice my true opinion. or i do and it makes no difference. for the most part people don't listen to me. i'm the bartender. unless you want something i am virtually invisible. i have learned to suppress my ego (most of the time) in a public situation but i have also learned to pay attention and read people. each person communicates differently
i like to think i try to reach people on their own level rather than coming at them from my brain. when i do that they very often have a slightly confused grin on their face. but when i truly listen and empathize with them, it makes a difference to them and maybe that's why i'm here
i don't know if most bartenders are like this but after i get off work i am as emotionally as well as mentally and physically tired.

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