Monday, December 21, 2015

policing my area

i realized tonight as i was pulling in the driveway that i did not "police my area" aka clean up after myself. it's been along long three days. it's been a long week. the bar is clean but my empty drink glass, an empty bottle of water, and a pack of cigarettes are probably sitting on the bar.
we got a new alarm system at work and it freaks me out. the other night when i left, i followed my procedure and went out the door and all hell breaks loose. i have to run around the outside of the bar while i am calling my boss, find my keys so i can unlock the back door while she is telling me how to turn off the alarm. finally done. i set it again and go out the  "right" door which makes no sense cuz there is no camera on that parking area. and i leave late. like 330.
so tonight i finally got everything done and had a drink and went to the bathroom. i had it in my head everything i had to do before i left but then i started worrying about the alarm in the bathroom so as soon as i came out i packed up and loaded up and left after setting the alarm instead of making sure i cleaned up after myself

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