Saturday, June 25, 2016

alfred hitchcock

let me set the stage. I worked 16 out of the last 24 hours. that means I worked days today. after working last night. no problem for me but I have animals. too many animals. and this disrupted their schedule apparently.  everybody had food and water; all the necessities. but when I got home with my c10 combination dinner...

all I wanted to do was let the dogs out and spend some time under the majic oak tree, which I did. after paying homage to the various felines. let the dogs run for a while as I communed with nature and quieted my mind. it was such a lovely quiet evening. the heat had gone from the day. it wasn't dark yet. just about dusk.

me and the dogs are hanging out; nice night. the eddie Haskell cat is trying to open the door but he doesn't know the secret. minut kitty knows how to do it. start low. he is trying to do it from the handle like he sees me do it. and hollering the whole time. he's a teenager and thinks he is invincible.

finally I give it up and go inside. I am just about on my last legs and I am starving. I know I have major Chinese food waiting on me. it's about 9 and I haven't eaten since about 4 this morning. that was shrimp chili rellejonos. yum.

I walk inside and start fixing my food. all of a sudden I realize that all but 2 of the cats are perched on various raised surfaces in and around my kitchen, and they are all meowing at me. and looking at me funny. all I could think of was alfred Hitchcock's the birds. but it was cats. kinda scary. I ain't gonna lie. it was kind of surreally weird.

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