Friday, December 18, 2015

long night

cereally? we got a new alarm at work when i was off two days. i thought i asked all the right questions to make sure i set it right. apparently i am the only one that goes out the front door and they didn't put that on delay! i am trying to call my boss, i can't remember her home number. i am trying to find my keys in my pocket and the one to the back door. at 3:15 in the morning.
finally, about the same time i remember the phone number, i find the key so when they are telling me the code i am actually walking in the back door and immediately punch it off.
this has been a totally weird night anyway. and i have to do our whole christmas party prep tomorrow too cuz i helped out somewhere else on my days off. they needed it and i was glad to do it. but dammit i ain't as young as i once was. i work long, physical, mental, and sometimes emotional hours. at the end of the night when you don't want to do anything else and just want to be done and you still got chores is the worst.
this is the funny part. when i finally got the alarm fixed and locked up again, i walked around front to get in my car. who was standing there? the man with a drug dog! i know i'm carrying, the dog knows i'm carrying (the dog was practically doing flips) but of course i talk to the dog first. thank goodness i had enough sense not to try and pet him!  me and the cop are both tired and i am old and look innocent. we talk for a minute. it's all good. i get in my car as another cop pulls up.
wth? i couldn't see his face but we hollered at each other and i might have known him. it was all good. then, when i started to pull out, a third cop showed up! at this point i just want to be home. i started my car, drove around back and checked the doors. and drove off. left two of them talking. one of them followed me to the turn and that was all. thank goodness!

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