Monday, September 28, 2015

stuff like this right here

yesterday was my birthday. the double nickel. a friend told me how to start a blog so i thought i would give myself that for my birthday. i always give me something. one year it was a hibiscus. i had it for years but then the pets and weather destroyed it poor baby. one year it was a barbeque pit cuz what self-respecting southern girl doesn't have one and know how to use it (i have 3). that reminds me of a time years ago when some of my girlfriends were learning how to bbq. that one needs to go on the list!
anyway, i was so excited about the blog i couldn't wait to get on facebook to share the new site and invite all my friends. guess what? facebook crashed! not my fault but now i can't share it!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl..>So when Do i get a cake for yah and fatten yah up *WINK* wait you were supposed to fatten me up *GRINS* love you sweet girl Hugs to you
